Some days there is an energy in the air, a restlessness that permeates every fiber whispering subconsciously that escape is necessary if not mandatory. Yearning to leave the humdrum, everyday routine treadmill behind tearing the fabric of the universe open to make entry into an alternate reality not only feasible but immediately attainable. Freedom grasped in daydreams, esthetics required for healing.
Like modern Don Quixote’s riding Harleys into the sunset in their gold plated armor, tilting at the windmills of corporate reality, educational entropy and political expedience hoping to elude the sausage creature and defeat, against all odds. Pasion and style breaking free from the norm, tossing aside suits and ties like creatures shedding skin, butterfly or reptile unknown, unknowable, growing, evolving into something more, bigger, better, inhibitions lost along with respect for taught norms. Fighting to keep your soul intact in a soulless world. Ranting against gleeful authority figures flexing their muscles at the drop of a hat when child like missteps fail to anticipate consequences.
When life is tearing in so many opposing directions that fleeing anywhere seems preferable to standing still. When the nights seem endless and dark. When nothing seems easy. When wildness takes hold, flying down the open road takes the edge off. Is it real or a dream? Turning the page is just not that easy. There are sudden stops and set backs, false trails forward and retraced steps back. Exsistental rambling searching for something more, not knowing exactly what, but knowing it’s out there, somewhere…